Open a Word file and save as your name in "compartir 14-ingles-TM-30Sept".
Go to Google maps and identify the continents in Spanish and English.
Name them on the map.
Look for the flag images in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, England and USA. Put them on the map.
Look for these nationaities.
Look for a famous person in each country and nationality.
22nd of September
1. Open a Word file and save as your name.
Do these activities in a new Word file.
8th of September
Do these activities in a new Word file.
Do the activities
2nd of August.
1. Open a new Word file. Add in it heading and page foot.
2. Go to verb to be
3. Go to articles
and do the activities.
4. Go to
5. Go to guia and do the activities.
Review - Ordinal Numbers
Go to and do the activities.
1.Buscar informacion acerca del mundial para corroborar las respuestas dadas en clase.
2. ¿Cómo estará el clima el día del primer partido de Argentina? y, ¿el día que juega Reino Unido?
Completar un cuadro con infromacion acerca del estado del tiempo para la próxima en el país del mundial
3. Ingresar a Clima en Reino Unido.
4. Agregarlo a la tabla anterior.
Ordinal Numbers
Uses of Ordinal numbers
Clickea en el numero correcto
Subi los nenes al coche en el orden correcto
Draw an ordinal number.
Practice 1
Practice 2
Practice 3
Practice 4
Para repasar los días de la semana y los meses ingresar a: